to start the server: IF ON WINDOWS: ---> Click start.bat IF ON LINUX: ---> Run the following in terminal: $ sudo chmod +x (ONLY IF this is first time running) $ sh to OP yourself run this command in console /lp user username permission set * true this version of the server come with an optional auto backup system to enable the backups put the BTFU.jar in the mods folder then when you start the server it will ask you to set the location to save the backups in set them to save in the backups folder provided If you want disable auto backups your can disable them by removing the mod BTFU from the mods folder useful commands that the server comes with (there is more commands than this see below for the name of the plugin and its website where you can learn more about it) admin commands /gm 0 (survival) /gm 1 (creative) /tp /tphere /setspawn /wand (gives you the world edit wand) player commands /tpa /tpahere /tpaccept /sethome (players can set two home by default) /home /spawn /f create /f invite /f claim the server comes with the following plugins installed Active time (letsd you see how long people have played on the server Carrotshops (lets you set up shop signs for an economy) Eaglefactions (lets you make factions and claim land) Itemchat (lets you show off items in chat) lottery (to use this you will need to set up shops to earn money from using carrot shops) luckperms (this is what gives players perms for commands) MMCRestrict (this lets you ban items. by default in this server build there isnt any banned) Nucleus (this is what lets you set homes and tpa to each other) Project world RBounty (lets you put bounties on players will need money to do so tho) TotalEconomy (economy plugin manages all things to do with money) UniverseGuard (lets you make admin only areas for your server)